I spent 10 years rebuilding my GT6 MK2 (See my GT6 website However once finished I found it uncomfotable to drive due to a chronic back condition. I had never thought that I would sell my GT6 but despite trying different seating arrangements I could not make it comfortable or safe for me to drive. I had always liked the TR cars and always regretted turning down the chance to buy a a slightly damamged but rust free TR5 for £800.00 many years ago. After much deliberation I advertised my GT6 on an on line classic car web site and with in 3 days it had sold. I could hve sold it the first day for a slightly lower offer. So once the GT6 had gone I set about looking for a TR6. I looked at a few cars from complete basket cases to decent MOT'd usable cars.
The car I bought has a checkered history. It is a 1972 CC car. Originally supplied to Texas is was repatriated to the UK in or a least registered in 1990 by a Mr Apel. There is not much history of the car between 1990 and 1996 but during that time it was converted to RHD and had a PI engine installed. In 1996 it was still finished in its original Damson and had chrome instument surrounds. In 1997 the then owner, Dr Isaac living in West London had a serious crash following a tyre blowout which wrote off the car (Insured value £8000 at that time). The salvage was subsequently auctioned off by the insurance company. I believe the car was then rebuilt by Mr Allison from Barnsley during which time its colour was changed to Cardinal Red. This owner had the car from 1997 to 2000. It was then advertised for sale by the Beaulieu Garage and purchased by Colin who ran the car for the next 15 years. Colin kept the car untill I purchaced it in 2015. The car was maintained by CTM for the whole time Colin had the car, during those years had an engine overhaul, unleaded conversion, new metering unit and bosch pump conversion as well as gearbox and diff overhaul. The car is now in good usable condition but by no means concours. It would benefit from new or rechromed bumpers, some minor cosmetic work and the paint is several shades of red.
You can mail me at
Last Updated 18th March 2016